best dating sites for educated professionalsWe need your help! Prairie Dog Pals can’t operate without volunteers. We rely on volunteers for everything from administration to outreach to feeding, trapping, and relocating prairie dogs.
If you’re interested, email us at dating sites no pay to learn more. Opportunities include: Site stewards — Adopt a prairie dog colony! The primary role of a site steward is to provide supplemental food and water, but you also can help the prairie dogs by monitoring the area for any vandalism or changes to the use of the site (which would make relocation a necessity). Wondering what you can feed prairie dogs?
Foodie — Assist with the pick-up and delivery of bulk food items from stores that donate or from which we purchase food. Caregiver coordinator — Coordinate with individual stewards to ensure that all sites are being appropriately cared for, arrange for vacation (or any absence) coverage, provide training for new caregivers, and coordinate bulk purchasing of food, such as carrots from Costco or Sam’s Club. Trapping — Set and bait traps, then monitor the traps at all times. Transfer trapped prairie dogs to kennels and take the to the staging facility. We provide training and all the equipment necessary, including traps and kennels. Flushing — We capture prairie dogs by flushing their burrows with a mix of water and nontoxic soap foam, catching them as they exit the burrows. We rinse their eyes with saline solution, check them for health problems, place them in kennels and process them into holding tanks at our staging facility. Helpers are always welcome to work with our experienced crews. Staging facility — We hold captured prairie dogs at a staging facility for at least two weeks before they are released. This allows us to ensure they are healthy and at an adequate weight. Volunteers help feed prairie dogs and clean cages. Releases — Help with site development to prepare artificial burrows, assist with the actual release day and help with post-release feeding to get the prairie dogs off to a good start in their new homes. Outreach — Set up and staff information tables at outreach events such as Earth Day celebrations and Festival of the Cranes at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. Make presentations to groups, such as grade school classes. There are often opportunities to work with an experienced outreach volunteer. Webmaster — Keep the website up to date by posting pertinent information, including articles, pictures, stories, updates, etc. Social media manager — Maintain the group Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts. Media coordinator — Publicize events, liaison with print, radio and broadcast media on PD issues and news. |